Today is the first official day of Fall and it's not being shy about it. Last night I went to a little gathering at a park and it was downright chilly. I guess I'm going to have to start wearing socks again. I did buy a couple sweaters at the mall this weekend, so I'm pretty excited for that. I did a simple papercut today because I've been doing a lot of more tricky ones lately and I just need to tone it down. I'm getting out of control. Here's a mirror image cut. These are so fun to do because you do half the work and get a really pretty end result.
Here's what the template will look like. Remember, fold your paper and put the dotted line on the fold. Then cut out the inside bits first and then the outer lines. Careful not to cut the hinging parts on the dotted line.
Download your free scherenschnitte template here:
Fall Equinox.